Author: Jim Bernstein

  • The importance of starting early

    Starting to invest early in life is a principle that garners widespread endorsement from financial experts worldwide, and for good reason. The advantages of beginning your investment journey at a young age are manifold, spanning financial, psychological, and lifestyle benefits. These benefits are deeply rooted in the fundamentals of financial planning and the dynamics of…

  • Commercial and Industrial Loans

    Are we in a recession? Commercial and Industrial (C&I) loans are types of loans primarily given to businesses rather than individuals. These loans are typically used by companies to finance their day-to-day operations or to fund capital expenditures. This is simplistic, but when businesses are optimistic about the future, they’ll take out loans to finance…

  • Job Openings and the Stock Market

    Job Openings and the Stock Market

    I saw a version of this chart floating around the other day and I wanted to highlight something that really caught my eye. The chart shows Job Openings (in blue on the left scale) and SPY, the S&P 500 ETF (in green on the right scale.) Job Openings are employers looking for people to hire.…